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It seems that the best combination looks upon the likes of a John Kerry-John McCain ticket or a G.W. Bush-Wesley Clark. As crazy as it sounds, it looks to be some of the best combinations, and can provide 'versatility' and also have you a diverse candidate as V.P. John Edwards' pick was extremely favored by Democrats, and some Republicans. This was because Edwards was a 'southerner'. If John Kerry picked someone like Joe Lieberman or Howard Dean, it would be horrible. You should go with 'diversity'. Most times, a candidate is a northerner, and they pick a southerner V.P. (J.F.K, LBJ, John Kerry/JFK, John Edwards). It is vice-versa for a southerner candidate (Clinton, Gore even though Gore was born in TN, Gore, Lieberman, Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale). It provides 'diversity' to a campaign. By picking a midwesterner or a southerner (assuming that you're candidate is a northerner), it provides diversity. The V.P choices this year has gone off the line: was John Kerry really to pick McCain as his V.P. candidate? It was most likely gossip, but if he did, and McCain accepted, would that be horrible news for Mr.McCain. Of course, as I don't know much about this game, I am assuming that you can pick a GOP V.P. candidate...otherwise picking a southerner, or making a V.P. (assuming you can do this as well) would be a great suggestion if your a northerner and vice versa for a southerner.
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