The BCG website is for 'all' BCG-company things...
Published on September 5, 2004 By Deaniac In Politics
note- This is a strict reply to the 'John Kerry is going to lose' forum. It seems that forum has gone out of hand, and shocked me.

George W. Bush is going to lose. He doesn't believe in abortion or gay marriage sensing our president is racist. He has tormented the American people by doing virtually nothing to restore the economy, and produce more jobs. Instead he signed an overtime program preventing more pay for overtime. That sucks for the American people. He has sended many soldiers to Iraq where they didn't need to be. Neither Iraq or Sadaam Hussein proved an imminent threat to the United States. There was no reason to attack them. Yes, Hussein was a bad man, but we could've solved this by working with our allies, and working with the U.N. and NATO to solve this problem.

Anyone who votes for G.W. Bush in 2004 will regret it!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 06, 2004
I found a short piece from George Will on Strong Government, but I read a better one elsewhere. I will see if I can find that one
on Sep 06, 2004
As far as the NCLB wanting master certificates.... I don't think that is true. I didn't hear anything about it, if that is true, I highly oppose to that

That hasn't been approved as a part of NCLB's agenda -- yet. But Clinton, in working on the Goals 2000 agenda, saw it as a viable solution to ensure that everyone graduated.
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